finance plus insurance

The automotive world can seem heartless and when you're working in it you have to find meaning behind what you're doing or you'll drive yourself nuts! Here are some things to ask yourself so that you can have a better feeling about what you do for a living and make a better living on top of that! Consider this a worksheet to figure out what makes you tick and how to make yourself more efficient at ticking instead of ticking yourself (or someone else) off. 1) Find out what your driving force behind

 doing a great job is! -There has to be something out there that makes you want to do a great job. Mine is to support my wife and give her the lifestyle that she deserves (not what she wants because she's perfectly content with what we have). Another great angle here is that I want people to be protected out there on the roads; so helping 
 them purchase a service contract, tire protection, or GAP insurance really makes me feel great! 2) Find out what doing a great job is. -A great job, to me, is maxing out my pay scale. If I sell more than 1.4 products per unit (on average) and average $800 per unit sold, I get 19% of the back-end profit! I average around $1100 per copy and 1.86 products per unit, so not only am I maxed out, but I don't have to

 scramble to get more cars to make more money (simply because I'm making more off of less cars than some other business managers). If I'm having a slow month I'm still making a little over $200 per car, so if I put 40 cars on the road that's still $8,000 per month, plus bonuses from the dealership and from the
 service contract company. Plus I still sell about four cars per month, so that eats away my draw throughout the month so when my monthly F&I check comes, there's nothing being taken away from it! 3) Figure out your niche! -My niche is coming across as being helpful instead of someone who's trying to sell the crap out of anything to anyone. My fellow business managers tell me that I have a certain look about me that comes across as being someone who you can be open and honest with. Do I take advantage of
 this? You bet I do! Do I lie to people to sell them things? Heck no! Do I ask questions that make it hard for them to say no to me after I know the answers to them? Dang right! I know that if I get someone who's straight to the numbers, I'm not the strongest so I will actually T.O. to another business manager who is

 stronger with them. But when they get someone who they've made upset by being too pushy, they'll come and T.O. to me because I can build rapport very quickly and become a part of their shopping team instead of someone who's pushing products. Start with these three things, write out your answers and think about them. Once you figure out these three things you are on your way to making more money!

 Is this the be all end all of lists to help you make more money? Absolutely not! But will this help you to catch some momentum and build a happier work day? You hit the nail on the head!

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finance plus insurance

The automotive world can seem heartless and when you're working in it you have to find meaning behind what you're doing or you'...